Very delicate houseplants, Parma violets require a lot of attention from one who cares. If they are given the right conditions, violets can bloom continuously. The plant must be located in a room with indirect light, temperature having an important role in plant’s growth, so it can vary from 17 degrees to 24 degrees, which is the optimal growth temperature and tolerance of the plant.

Parma violets do not require much water, but the plant should be watered only with rain water, boiled and cooled water, which must have a constant temperature.
Parma violets recommended soil consists of ground leaves and sand. This mix must be porous enough to allow excess water to pass smoothly. When buying a violet, you have to take care that the whole leaf rosette should be above the ground (well pressed around the plant).
It is recommended to disinfect the pots and the earth for the transplanted flowers. For this you have to use either special solutions purchased from florists or specialty shops.
Parma violets are transplanted once a year in fresh soil. Transplantation is done carefully so as not to injure the roots. Clean the old soil and disinfect the pots and in a few weeks you will see how the plant will return to life.
Parma violet spring easily multiplies with cuttings rooted in the leaves or the sand. It is also used garden soil or peat but with caution. You should know that there are varieties of violets that are easily propagated by cuttings from leaves and others who prefer small rosettes resulted from multiplying the mother plant.
Plants are watered when the soil begins to dry and not directly on the plant. If you water it over the leaves, they will soon rot and the plant will die. If you only water it from the base, the plate will not have enough moisture and will dry out. Thus, the best way to get a parma violet is to have a healthy soil that retains moisture and it should be watered enough over the pot.
Flower fertilizer (solution) does not do well because it burns and does not develop normally (the flowers and the leaves are growing less and crouched low). For a successful flowering, Parma Violet must be cut. If they have too many leaves, the middle of the plant will not have enough air and the buds will not appear.
Parma Violet Pictures Gallery